Reference Guide Index Tab Stickers, 2016 Edition


Make your copy of the Reference Guide even easier to use with handy index tab stickers! Printed on transparent material in colors matching the inside book tabs, these external tabs allow you to see all tabs before and after.


Make your copy of the Reference Guide even easier to use with handy index tab stickers! Printed on transparent material in colors matching the inside book tabs, these external tabs are staggered for easy viewing.


  • 10 color-coded tabs to mark the beginning of each major section in the book.
  • 26 smaller, matching alphabetic tabs to index the "Personal Guide" section.


Select a page in the book for placing an index tab sticker. Remove the sticker from the paper backing. Carefully align the sticker so that the bottom of the colored area barely touches the edge of the page and lines up with the corresponding colored tab printed on the page. Rub the bottom of the sticker to secure it in place. Fold the top of the sticker backward at the top edge of the colored area so that it wraps around and adheres to the reverse side of the page.